Michelle L. Meloy
Associate Professor
Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice
Rutgers University -Camden
405-407 Cooper Street
Camden, NJ 08102
Phone (856) 225-2724
Fax (856) 225-6435
2001 University of Delaware Ph.D. Sociology and Criminal Justice
1996 Northern Illinois University M.A. Sociology and Criminology
1992 Indiana University B.S. Public and Environment Affairs -Criminal Justice & Psychology
2002-2008 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice, Rutgers University
2001- 2002 Assistant Professor, Department of Criminal Justice, Widener University
2001-2001 Research Assistant, Center for Drug and Alcohol Studies, University of Delaware
1998-2001 Graduate Research Assistant/Instructor, University of Delaware
2010 Nomination for Chancellor’s Teaching Award
2003 Rutgers Departmental University Programmatic Excellence Award
2003 Rutgers University Grant: Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
2000 Fellowship, Institute for Transforming Undergraduate Education, University of Delaware
1999 Geis Graduate Student Research on Women Award, University of Delaware
1998 Team Building Award for Commitment to Clients and Colleagues, presented by Community Youth Network, Lake County, IL
2007 New Jersey Department of Community Affairs’ Division on Women and the New Jersey Coalition Against Sexual Assault: Sexual victimization among disadvantaged and vulnerable populations (award: $2,000).
2004 Office of Justice Programs, in collaboration with the Center for Mental Health Services and Criminal Justice Research, Rutgers University- New Brunswick: Community Supervision for Life Reentry Study of Paroled Sex Offenders (award: $128,000).
2004 New Jersey Department of Corrections, in collaboration with the Center for Mental Health Services and Criminal Justice Research, Rutgers University- New Brunswick: Five year recidivism follow-up period of treated and non-treated sex offenders serving a prison term (award: $150,000).
2003 Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, Rutgers University: Pathways to female offending (award: $1,500).
Michelle L. Meloy and Susan L. Miller. 2010. The Victimization of Women: Law, Policies, and Politics. New York: Oxford University Press.
Michelle L. Meloy. 2006. Sex Offenses and The Men Who Commit Them: An Assessment of Sex Offenders on Probation. Boston: Northeastern University Press.
Michelle L. Meloy, Susan L. Miller, Kristin Curtis. 2008. Making Sense Out of Nonsense; The Deconstruction of State-Level Sex Offender Residence Restrictions. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 33, 209-222.
Ronet Bachman and Michelle Meloy. 2008. The Epidemiology of Violence Against the Elderly: Implications for Primary and Secondary Prevention. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 24, 186-197.
Michelle L. Meloy, Yustina Saleh, and Nancy Wolff. 2007. Sex Offender Laws in America: Can Panic Driven Legislation ever Create Safer Societies? Criminal Justice Studies, 20, 423-443.
Susan L. Miller and Michelle L. Meloy. 2006. Women’s Use of Force: Voices of Women Arrested for Domestic Violence. Violence Against Women, 12, 89-115.
Michelle L. Meloy. 2005. The Sex Offender Next Door: An Analysis of Recidivism, Risk Factors and Deterrence of Sex Offenders on Probation. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 16, 211-236.
Ronet Bachman, Mark Laches and Michelle Meloy. 2004. Reducing Injury Through Self-protection By Elderly Victims of Violence: The Interaction Effects of Gender of Victim and the Victim/Offender Relationship. Journal of Elder Abuse, 16, 1-24.
Michelle L. Meloy and Shareda Coleman. 2009. You Can Run But You Cannot Hide: GPS and Community-based Sanctions. In Richard Wright’s (Ed)., Sex Offenders: Failed Policies and New Directions, NY: Springer Publishing Company.
Michelle L. Meloy and Susan L. Miller. 2009. The Media’s Representation of Gender(ed) Violence. In D. Humphries (Ed)., Women, Violence, and the Media, Boston: University Press of New England.
Michelle L. Meloy. 2008. Sex Offender Registration Laws. In C. Renzetti & J. Edleson (Eds)., Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Violence. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Michelle L. Meloy. 2008. Sex Offenders. In C. Renzetti & J. Edleson (Eds)., Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Violence. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Michelle L. Meloy. 2008. Sex Offenders, Civil Commitment. In C. Renzetti & J. Edleson (Eds)., Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Violence. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Michelle L. Meloy. 2007. Managing A Man’s World: The Experiences of a Female Probation Officer in a Male Sex Offender Supervision Unit. In Susan Miller’s (Ed)., Criminal Justice Research and Practice: Diverse Voices from the Field. Boston: Northeastern University Press.
Susan L. Miller and Michelle L. Meloy. 2007. Women on the Bench: Mavericks, Peacemakers or Something Else? Research Questions, Issues and Suggestions. In Roselyn Muraskin’s, 4th edition (Ed)., It’s a Crime: Women and Justice. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson-Prentice Hall.
Michelle L. Meloy, Shana Maier and Susan L. Miller. 2006. Women on the Bench: Voices and Experiences of Female Judges. In Claire Renzetti, Lynn Chancer and Susan Miller’s (Eds)., Women, Crime and Criminal Justice. Los Angeles, CA: Roxbury Press.
Susan L. Miller and Michelle L. Meloy. 2000. Victims’ Right’s Movement. The Encyclopedia of Criminology and Deviant Behavior. Tayler & Francis
Michelle L. Meloy. 2000. Stranger Danger: Problems With Community Notification. In Karen Buckley and Paul Head’s (Eds)., Myths, Risks & Sexuality: The Role of Sexuality in Working with People. Dorset, U.K.: Russell House Publishing.
Michelle L. Meloy. 2000. Women in Police Municipal and State Organizations. The Encyclopedia of Women and Criminal Justice. Oryx Press.
Michelle L. Meloy. 2008. Sexual Victimization Among Disadvantaged and Vulnerable Populations. Report submitted to the New Jersey Governor’s Advisory Council Against Sexual Violence, New Brunswick, NJ.
Nancy Wolff, Michelle Meloy, Yustina Saleh, and Jing Shi. 2005. Legislatively Mandated Study of the Five Year Recidivism Rates and Behavior of Sex Offenders Released from New Jersey Prisons. Report submitted to the New Jersey Department of Corrections, Trenton, NJ. Center for Mental Health Services and Criminal Justice Research: New Brunswick, NJ.
Nancy Wolff, Megan Fisher, Gabrielle Wilders, and Michelle Meloy. 2005. Final Report for the Office of Justice Programs Funded Study: Reentry of Sex Offenders on Community Supervision for Life. Report submitted to the New Jersey Department of Corrections, Trenton, NJ. Center for Mental Health Services and Criminal Justice Research: New Brunswick, NJ.
David Ford, Ronet Bachman, Monika Friend and Michelle Meloy. 2002. Controlling Violence Against Women: A Research Perspective on the 1994 VAWA’s Criminal Justice Impacts. Research in Brief. National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice.
Michelle L. Meloy. The Sexual Victimization of Underserved and Understudied Populations. Book manuscript in progress.
Michelle L. Meloy, Kristin Curtis, Jessica Boatwright, and Michelle Barbaccia. The More is More Approach to Sex Offender Management.
Michelle L. Meloy, Jessica Boatwright, Kristin Curtis and Michelle Barbaccia. The real deal: How specially trained criminal justice agents from across the country perceive the sex offender laws in their state.
Michelle L. Meloy, Kristin Curtis, and Jessica Boatwright. Views from the inside: An Investigation into what policy makers think about state-level sex offender laws.
Michelle L. Meloy, Kristin Curtis, and Jessica Boatwright. Residence Restrictions.
Michelle L. Meloy. Civil Commitment.
Susan Miller and Michelle L. Meloy. Sex offenders’ Perceptions of their Crimes and Their Victims: Contrasting a Restorative Justice and Intensive Probation Program. Under Review, American Journal of Criminal Justice.
Michelle L. Meloy, Jessica Boatwright, and Kristin Curtis. An Investigation into what Policy Makers think about State-Level Sex Offender Laws, Presented at the American Society of Criminology annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 2010.
Michelle L. Meloy, Kristin Curtis, Jessica Boatwright, Kristen Foy, and Ben Zieman. Construction, Content and Predictors of Sex Offender Legislation, Presented at the American Society of Criminology annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA, November 2009.
Michelle L. Meloy. What Does a Criminologist Do? Invited lecture for the Rutgers University Future Scholars Program, July 2009.
Susan L. Miller and Michelle L. Meloy. Sex Offenders’ Perceptions of Victims: Contrasting a Restorative Justice and Intensive Probation Program, Presented at the American Society of Criminology annual meeting, St. Louis, MO, November 2008.
Michelle L. Meloy. Sex Crimes, Sexual Perpetrators, and the Importance of Gender. Invited lecture for Sexual Assault Awareness Month, University of Delaware, April 2008.
Michelle L. Meloy, Susan Miller, and Kristin Curtis. Distortion, Exaggeration and Hysteria in Sex Offender Legislation: What Happens If We Get It Wrong? Presented at the American Society of Criminology annual meeting, Atlanta, November 2007.
Michelle L. Meloy. Examining Intimate Partner Violence by Race and Ethnicity: How Does the Criminal Justice System Respond? Invited lecture for the open forum series in Race & Ethnicity, University of Delaware, March, 2007.
Ronet Bachman, Michelle L. Meloy and Christina Lanier. Exploring the Magnitude and Context of Sexual Assault Victimizations of American Indian Women. Presented at the American Society of Criminology annual meeting, Los Angeles, November, 2006.
Michelle L. Meloy, Yustina Saleh, Nancy Wolff, and Jenny Sing. Can Sex Offenders be Deterred? Presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences annual meeting, Baltimore, MD, March, 2006.
Ronet Bachman, Rebecca Block, and Michelle L. Meloy. Violence Against the Elderly: A comparison of the NCVS and the Chicago Homicide Files. Presented at the American Society of Criminology annual meeting, Toronto, Canada, November, 2005.
Michelle L. Meloy. Rape on College Campuses. Rutgers University – Camden. Invited speaker for the annual Women’s Studies Month, April, 2005.
Michelle L. Meloy. Women and Domestic Violence. U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Prisons – Northeast Regional Office. Keynote speaker for the annual Women’s History Month Program, March, 2005.
Michelle L. Meloy and Susan L. Miller. Media’s Presentation of Gendered Violence. Presented at the American Society of Criminology annual meeting, Nashville, TN, November, 2004.
Ronet Bachman, Christiana Lanier and Michelle L. Meloy. Predicting Victimizations Across the Life Course with Routine Activities Theory: The Special Case of Older Adults. Presented at the American Society of Criminology annual meeting, Denver, CO, November, 2003.
Susan L. Miller and Michelle L. Meloy. “Offender” Treatment Programs for Battered Women Arrested for Domestic Violence. Presented at the American Society of Criminology annual meeting, Chicago, IL, November, 2002.
Michelle L. Meloy. Session Chair. The Expected Utility of Sex Offenses: Testing Perceptual Deterrence and Rational Choice Theories on a Population of Convicted Sex Offenders. Presented at the American Society of Criminology annual meeting, Atlanta, GA, November, 2001.
Michelle L. Meloy. Session Chair. Graduate School Struggles. Presented at the Eastern Sociological Society annual meeting, Baltimore, MD, 2000.
Robert Peralta and Michelle L. Meloy. Predicting Recidivism among Convicted Violent Felons. Presented at the American Sociological Association annual meeting, Washington, DC, August, 2000.
Ronet Bachman, Michelle L. Meloy, Carole Gregory, and Dan Bibel. Exploring the Consistency Between Reported Rape to the Massachusetts NIBRS and the Incidents from the National Crime Victimization Survey. Presented at the American Sociological Association annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, November, 2000.
Michelle L. Meloy and Robert Peralta. Predicting Chronic Recidivism among a Population of Sex Offenders. Presented at the American Sociological Association annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, November, 2000.
Michelle L. Meloy. Sex Offenders and Legal Policy.” 23rd International Congress on Law and Mental Health, Paris, France, August, 1998.
Michelle L. Meloy and David Asma. Moral Monsters, Fiends, and Folk Devils: Dramatizing Sex Offenders. Views From the Bottom. Presented at the American Sociological Association annual meeting, Washington, DC, November, 1998.
Michelle L. Meloy. Neutralizing Sex: Sex Offenders Speak Out. Presented at the American Sociological Association annual meeting, San Diego, CA, November, 1997.
Undergraduate Level
Courts and criminal law
Domestic violence
Gender, crime and justice
Internship/service in criminal justice
Social justice in film and literature
Varieties of crime
Women and the law
Graduate Level
Gender, crime and justice
I am an external reviewer for the following journals:
Crime & Delinquency
Criminal Justice Policy Review
Feminist Criminology
Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Journal of Offender Rehabilitation
Justice Quarterly
Violence Against Women
Faculty Council for the Senator Walter Rand Institute, Member, January 2011-present
Faculty Search Committee, Chairperson, Rutgers-Camden, August 2010-December 2010
Faculty Sponsor, Criminal Justice Organization, 2009-present
Graduate Criminal Justice Admissions Committee, member, Rutgers-Camden, 2002-present
Graduate Criminal Justice Admissions Committee, Chair, Rutgers-Camden, 2004-2005; 2009-present
Scholastic Standing Committee, member, Rutgers-Camden, 2004-present
Faculty Senate, member, Rutgers-Camden, 2003 and 2006-2008
Teaching Matters Advisory Board, member 2008-present
Chancellor’s Ad Hoc Working Group on Transforming Undergraduate Education, member, 2009-present
Chancellor’s Selection Committee for the Margaret Marsh Award for Undergraduate Research, member, 2010-present
Faculty Council for the Senator Walter Rand Institute, Member, January 2011-present
Board of Trustees, Center for Family Services, 2004-present
Camden, Gloucester, and Cumberland Counties (in partnership with the Center for Family Services), Coalition to End Sexual Violence, 2009-present
NJ’s Denim Day Committee Chair (as part of sexual assault awareness month and in partnership with the Center for Family Services), 2010-present
NJ Governor’s Advisory Council on Sexual Violence- Research and Needs Committee, 2004-2008
NJ Governor’s Advisory Council on Sexual Violence – Prevention and Public Education Committee, Adjunct member, 2005
Rapid Response Expert, Violence Against Women Online Resources cooperative project between the Minnesota Center Against Violence and Abuse and the United States Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office on Violence Against Women, 2009-present